Seth Godin hits the nail on the head in reference to using the Web and social media for your business: The problem is no longer budget. The problem is no longer access to tools. The problem is the will to get good at it. There also remains a very pervasive fear within companies (especially at […]
10 Key Insights from Reading Inbound Marketing by Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan
I’m a big believer in inbound marketing. I’ve seen it work, and I’ve leveraged many of its tactics for myself, my business, and for others. I believe it will (and has already started to) fundamentally change how companies market to consumers. Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are smart guys. They’re the founders of Hubspot, and […]
How Social Media Improves Lead Conversion
A recent study by GroupM Search and comScore looked at the relationship between search marketing and social media. It’s an interesting read. The crux of the report is that people who are exposed to a brand via social media are more likely to search directly for that brand (or search terms that are lower level/closer […]
How to Get the Most Value out of Twitter Links
I’m not Fred Wilson (who posts ideas and sees them built almost instantaneously) but I’m going to post about something I’d like to see as a Twitter application and maybe, just maybe … someone will build it. Fred (and many others) are certainly right — the value of Twitter is in the links. We’re seeing […]
The Real Value in Tracking Event Hashtags on Twitter
Tracking event hashtags on Twitter has grown a ton in popularity over the last few years, ever since Twitter exploded at SXSW. It’s easy to do using Twitter Search by inputting the hashtag for the event. It’s not a perfect system – sometimes there’s too much noise, spam creeps in, etc. – but it’s still […]
You Can’t Build Authority and Thought Leadership via Twitter
I’m a big fan of Twitter. It’s clearly gone mainstream in a number of ways and brings significant value for maintaining relationships, finding new ones, etc. But you can’t build authority and thought leadership through Twitter or other microblogging services (or aggregator-type services) like FriendFeed. Not unless you previously had some authority and reputation through […]
Adding Disqus and AddThis to Make Blog More Social
It’s almost impossible to keep track of all the latest widgets, gadgets, plugins and features available for bloggers. New stuff is coming out daily, which is understandable, there are millions and millions of bloggers, and many of them are very dedicated to blogging — that’s a nice market with interesting opportunities. Few companies have really […]
The 10-Minute Daily Guide to Building Your Social Media Profile
No amount of effort with social media sites and tools like digg, StumbleUpon, MyBlogLog, Propeller, etc. can make up for a bad blog. A lack of focus, poor writing, over-advertising and a lousy design will sink your blog each and every time, regardless of how much effort you put into social networking and social media […]
10 Steps to Building an Online Media Empire
Many bloggers dream of creating media empires. Few of us come even close. Having a popular blog is just one minor step in the process. It’s what you do next that’s critical. Many people start selling advertising or try and build revenues through affiliates. Some create e-books, offer white papers, or branch off into consulting […]