I’m a big fan of link leaking and its mates, the link leak virus and link love. Given the choice I’ll take link love over the others, only because it sounds…nicer. But if you want to cough on me and spread your link leak virus, by all means.
With that in mind, I’ve put up a Resources page, where I’ll be spreading more link love virus leaking than you can imagine. Sounds gross eh?
I link to plenty of stuff within my posts; I’m a firm believer in doing so, it can only help the community here and those I’m linking to (and me!) … but at the same time there’s some resources that deserve a more “permanent link” status at Instigator Blog. And that’s the Resources page.
It’s my way of giving a shout out to some of the people that have helped me the most, and people involved in my various projects, including The Great Big Small Business Show and Where Is Basil.
I hope you find the Resources page worthwhile and fun. It will get updated often, so keep an eye out! And if I spill some kind of leaky link substance on you…woohoo!