During the most recent open mic session at Successful Blog I was asking the participants about some problems I’m having with Technorati. In the midst of that, Joe at Working at Home on the Internet suggested I try the WordPress plugin yes-www.
The plugin redirects all non “www” requests to “www” — so if you typed “http://instigatorblog.com” it would redirect to “http://www.instigatorblog.com”.
Great, I thought. Let me give that a try. So I downloaded the plugin, activated it and tested it. Seemed to work very well.
Today I noticed a couple weird things in WordPress Admin, and it took me a bit of time to realize it was the plugin. Two problems occured:
- The “Dashboard” link in WordPress Admin was redirecting to the main page of the site.
- The “Main Index Template” link in the Presentation area of WordPress Admin wasn’t working at all.
I think it has to do with the way the plugin is trying to redirect requests to “index.php”. So I’ve deactivated it.
Then I decided to email the author of the plugin to let him know about the problem. Gilad Gafni has a good looking blog called You on Top (great name!) but oddly there’s absolutely no way to contact Gilad on his blog.
- NO email address.
- NO contact form.
- NO commenting allowed.
All I’m able to do is link to his blog post to give him a trackback, in the hopes that he sees that and gets in touch with me.
Why wouldn’t Gilad want me to get in touch?
To me, it makes no sense. In this case I have a technical issue with his plugin, tomorrow I might have a great opportunity for him.
Now, one caveat — if you go directly to his main site there’s a contact form there, but I shouldn’t have to do that, especially when there’s no link from his blog to the main business site (I just took an educated guess as to the URL).
I’m not trying to pick on Gilad, but it strikes me as strange that in today’s world of ultra-connectivity and opportunity that it’s still so hard to reach out and touch someone. Who doesn’t want to be touched by little old me?